TribalDEX Liquidity Pools (DEC)
Use this guide to provide liquidity to the DEC:SPS Pool on
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Use this guide to provide liquidity to the DEC:SPS Pool on
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If you need to know how to transfer either DEC or SPS from ingame to Hive Engine/Tribaldex please follow these instructions: DEC or SPS
If you do not have DEC in your Splinterlands account you can Swap some of the Hive in your Tribaldex account for DEC as follows
Go to your Tribaldex Wallet and select the Swap tab.
Enter the amount of SWAP.HIVE that you would like to exchange for DEC.
The amount of DEC you will receive for this transaction will be completed automatically based on the amount of SWAP.HIVE you have entered.
Click the Swap button to complete your transaction.
Now that you have corresponding values of both DEC and SPS in your TribalDEX wallet, you are ready to provide liquidity to the Diesel Pool.
Go to the POOLS tab.
Click the Add Liquidity button.
From the dropdown, choose the Pool DEC:SPS
Enter the amount of any of both tokens you wish to provide. Then the amount will be automatically filled in with an equivalent value for the other token.
Click Add Liquidity, then sign the transaction.
You have now provided liquidity to the DEC:SPS Pool on TribalDEX and are eligible to start receiving LP rewards.