Splinterlands Release Notes
Last updated
Splinterlands Release Notes
Last updated
New Player Packs!
As a bonus for new players, upon purchasing a spellbook they will now receive 5 Chaos Legion packs (while supplies last).
General Updates
A new Master Volume setting has been added to the game, along with a slider that is accessible on the header throughout the site. This acts as a modifier for all other sound settings, so if your Master Volume is at 50% and your Music Volume is at 50%, then music will play at 25% volume.
Per this passed proposal, the reward system has been reworked to no longer mint SPS as it progresses. All outstanding allocated SPS has been minted into reward accounts, with any unallocated SPS being put into the SPS DAO’s wallet.
We have added a new series of tooltips to explain Credits and Dark Energy Crystals the first time the Shop is accessed. These appear only once and will not currently be reset if you reset the starter tooltips.
Corrupted Healing will no longer appear on cards during Team Creation if the Healed Out rule set is in play.
An issue that would cause cards in the shop, or in your collection, to appear at desktop size when on mobile devices when they were selected has been fixed.
Fixed an issue where the Surrender and Create Team buttons would be flipped at specific screen sizes.
Fixed an issue with the Auction House incorrectly sending Credits to the DAO from winning Credit bids. Automatically sending the Credits to the company and appropriate Dark Energy Crystals to the DAO has been implemented, and the outstanding Credits have been removed from the DAO account and Dark Energy Crystals sent.
Hall Of Legends Ends
The Hall of Legends event will be ending today! Hopefully you got all of the promo cards that you wanted before they were gone!
General Updates
To work around our current payment partners not directly accepting BTC as a payment method, we have added SWAP.BTC as a Credit payment option. This will let you deposit BTC to Hive-Engine and then use that as a payment method for Credits.
When buying Credits with tokens that are on Hive-Engine the site’s logo will now appear under the crypto selection box.
The Custom Challenge interface has been updated to prevent certain combinations of rules that would exclude any cards from being played.
The header Support site link is now visible to logged out users.
The Card Sets Academy panel is now available on the Create and Manage tabs, where previously it would only appear on the Rent tab.
The Events Academy panel is now available when Creating or Viewing a tournament, where previously it would only appear on the main page. Some of the Academy text was also updated for tournaments.
Fixed an issue that could cause a sporadic failure to load the Reward Shop page properly.
Winterfest Ends
Holiday art is once again gone from the site!
Custom Challenges
A new set of options are now available for challenges. For a small fee of 10 Dark Energy Crystals, or Credits, you can customize the rules and available elements on a challenge. Note: If you own a Runi, or have over 50K Staked SPS, then the fee when issuing custom challenges is waived.
Gameplay Updates
Burning, Fatigue, and Poison effects will now happen to all monsters at the same time.
Added a button to skip ahead to the next round on the battle replay.
The battle replay speeds can now be set using a detailed speed selection. This option needs to be enabled in the settings.
Added the ability to play/pause battles using the space bar. A new option controls if this is enabled, as some other extensions use keyboard shortcuts and may conflict.
General Updates
Added additional tooltips for the first time a user earns more than 1,050 Glint or 2,000 Merits.
Tooltips will no longer display if you are not logged in.
Added a new setting to disable being invited to guilds.
Novice League has been renamed to Wood league.
Challenges and Tournaments no longer use league naming for level caps. A new series of Novice, Adept, Intermediate, Advanced, and Expert level cap namings have been put in their place.
The indicator that an Academy Panel has not been read has been made more visible.
More settings have been removed from the frequently polled data and moved off to separate infrequently called APIs:
Tournament prize types have been moved to a tournaments/tournament_prize_types call.
Reward chest information has been moved to market/loot_chests.
Card set information, mainly about old air drops, has been moved to cards/card_set_info.
Skip and Mute buttons have been added to opening reward chests and their replays.
The Regional Production Claim screen will no longer show an option to automatically buy Grain with DEC (at a 1:1 rate) when you have insufficient Grain to harvest. It will now show you a Get More button that links to the Grain-DEC Trade Hub.
A number of shop/market pages will now show a Get More button if you have insufficent Credits/DEC for your chosen purchase.
The Exclusive shop page has been updated to show the total amount of Vouchers spent on the current card and all cards.
The Voucher owned count has been removed from the majority of the shop pages, as they no longer apply to most purchases.
The New Player Quests section can now be collapsed into a smaller bar.
Fixed an issue with the avatar and title in the navigation bar not updating immediately on the display when they were changed in the profile options.
The share battles link on the main battle history has been changed to only require one click to copy the link.
A confirmation prompt has been added when Surrender is clicked on Brawl battles.
Fixed the sorting options on the Items → Other page.
Fixed one outstanding battle notification that had a bad link, and went to the About page instead of the Battle History page.
Several pages had small adjustments made for smaller Mobile devices to make sure information is legible and critical items appear on the initial display - like the Battle button.
Made some changes to try to improve the new battle replay performance under certain conditions where it would lag out on certain hardware.