
Crowns are the cooperative Guild currency that are earned for victories in Brawls.

What Are Crowns?

Crowns are awarded to guilds that participate in Brawls. The Higher the Arena level and Player participation, the higher the number of Crowns a guild stands to win.

How are Crowns Calculated?

First, calculate the size of the overall Brawl crown pot. Each player in each guild that wins or draws at least 1 battle contributes crowns to the pot as per their guild's Arena level (see Rewards multiplier on Arena Info pop-up). Note that if your guild is participating in a lower Brawl Tier than your Arena allows for, it will be as if the Arena level is limited to that particular Tier.

The #1 guild in the Brawl is given 6% of the crown pot. The #2 guild in the Brawl is given 4% of the crown pot. The #3 guild in the Brawl is given 2% of the crown pot.

The remaining 88% of the crown pot is divided up amongst ALL guilds in the Brawl (including the top 3), proportionally according to each guild's points score vs. the sum of all pts for the Brawl.

Any fractional amounts in those calculations get rounded down to whole numbers.

You can click the Brawl Rewards button at any time to see a prediction of CROWN payouts to winning guilds. It's an estimated range. The low number of the range is what would happen if the Brawl finished at this exact moment, with no further player participation. The high number of the range is what would happen if every guild played optimally from this point onward to the end of the Brawl. Most likely the actual result will end up being somewhere in the middle of the range. As the Brawl progresses, the range narrows and changes as uncertainty in the outcome gradually reduces.

What are Crowns used for

Crowns that are awarded to the guild can be used by Guild leaders and co-leaders to upgrade the Guild Arena, Guild Barracks, and Guild Store once the cumulative DEC requirements on said buildings have been met.

Crowns can also be used by Guild leaders and co-leaders to purchase selected items in the Guild Store that costs Crowns.

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