Splinterlands Release Notes
Last updated
Splinterlands Release Notes
Last updated
Gameplay Updates
Fixed an issue where Zyriel was incorrectly showing up as available when using a multi-color summoner. Specifically in a case where Death was not a legal option, Life was a legal option, and the summoner supported Death and another legal Element.
Fixed an issue where the Tactics stage would incorrectly appear with the Silenced Summoners rule set.
Fixed an issue where Avina The Wolf’s healing buff would still work in the Healed Out rule set.
A couple of cards have had temporary Winterfest themed images added in place of their regular images.
Land Updates
Fixed an issue where you could not remove a Runi from a plot without also removing the Power Core.
Added the resource type of the worksite under construction to the Regional Production Overview table.
Added production per hour when selecting information on a specific plot on the Map View display of plots.
Changed forced harvest all to fail if not enough grain is available, rather than automatically buy grain with DEC.
Made some corrections to the land Leaderboard display.
Minor UI cleanup of the Totem Combine page.
General Updates
Some performance improvements and clean-up have been made to the Collection and Card Market displays.
Rebellion summoners will now show up when doing Ability filtering in the Collection and Card Market.
Fixed Rebellion Summoner abilities not displaying properly when the cards were revealed during pack openings.
Fixed the naming of Totem Fragments on the Non-Card Market display.
Added the Soulbound chain image indicator on Gladiator cards.
Gameplay Updates
Fixed an issue with Corrosive Ward not triggering when the unit with that ability was in the process of being killed.
Fixed an issue where Armored Strike blast damage was based off the unit’s Melee damage, instead of Armored Strike damage.
Fixed an issue with the Divine Shield icon appearing and disappearing inappropriately.
Land Updates
Totem Fragments can now be combined! There is a new menu option in the Inventory for Totem Fragments that will take you to a combine screen.
Added a Leaderboard display for top producers!
A correction has been made to an issue with incorrect old efficiency values being used in construction in some specific situations.
Fixed an issue where removing all units from a plot would set the deed rarity boost to show as 0, until new units were staked.
General Updates
Added a check to team creation to ensure the selected Runi is not staked on land.
If a new Focus doesn’t get triggered right away, there is now an additional button to start it on the Battle screen.
Added a link to the converting SPS to DEC page from the Buy DEC page.
Fixed an issue where the Deeds market would occasionally have an issue with syncing the current DEC price properly on the UI end, causing attempted purchases to get rejected.
Fixed a display issue with the stats of level 1 Common summoners.
Cleaned up the actions you can perform on a Title in the Inventory screen. Removed illegal actions when the title is listed on the market and added a Delist option.
Improved the Inventory syncing of Titles after they have been transferred.
The Battle Continues
Brawls have been updated to include the new Rebellion era Modern format as per this post. These new frays will start with the next Brawl cycle.
Land Updates
Totem Fragments can now be bought and sold on the non-card market!
Runi will now show an icon on the Current Active Runi display, if they have a land staking cooldown timer on them.
Fixed an issue with sorting Worksite Ready status on the Regional Overview of plots.
General Updates
Skins have been disabled in Combat, since those images don’t exists for the current temporary display format for Rebellion.
The Tutorial has been temporarily disabled, as Untamed starter cards are no longer available and were a central part of it.
Fixed the Open link on Tech Modernization pages from incorrectly going to the home page instead of the Mana Well.
Added additional checks when linking an external wallet to the game.
General Updates
The DEC-BUSD Liquidity Pool rewards have been ended per this proposal and have been replaced by a DEC-USDC pool reward.
Added a proper error message on the UI when trying to submit rental listings for less than the minimum price.
Land Updates
Fixed the display of Gold Foil Legendary production points on the stats tab.
Fixed an issue where the map would show a previous worksite’s information if you changed worksites.
The warning about a forced harvest should no longer appear on a single worksite when the current production is zero.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue with Mantaroth and Grimbardun Smith lore not displaying the image properly (shortly after the last update).
Fixed an issue with the Grain Required Per Hour and construction grain costs on the Regional Overview not displaying the right number. (shortly after the last update).
Fixed an issue with feeding workers the appropriate amount of grain for construction when Time Crystals were used on a previous worksite on that deed.
For better clarity & tracking, DEC and DEC-B burnt on Grain, Power Core, and Time Crystal purchases are sent to $LAND_GRAIN_PURCHASE, $LAND_POWER_CORE_PURCHASE, and $LAND_TC_DECBURN respectively. All previous balances sent to $SHOP have been transferred over.
The Rebellion Starts Now
The Rebellion set is now live! You can now open packs and play with the new Rebellion cards.
Modern Format has cycled! Untamed and its sub-sets of cards (Dice, Untamed Era Reward cards) have cycled out of the Modern format and into Wild. Modern is now Rebellion and the Chaos Legion edition sets of cards.
New monster abilities Armored Strike, Corrosive Ward, Flank, Lookout, and Ambush have been added to the game.
A new tactics phase where Summoner abilities that impact units after Team Selection has been added to the game.
New Summoners that allow for dual element unit selection have been added to the game.
Weapon’s Training has been reworked. It now provides a permanent attack buff to units with No Attack adjacent to the Weapon’s Trainer at the start of combat. This buff is now the full attack of the Weapon’s Trainer, instead of half, with a cap of 3 damage. You can read more about the Rebellion set in the release announcement or the support guides!
Land Updates
Estimated Production Points have been added to the Stats tabs for cards.
Added Magical & Occupied Total Boost bonuses to the tool tip for Total Boosts on the Deed Overview display.
Fixed Total Boost not updating on the Worksite Management display when only making a boost change without also adjusting workers.
Fixed the Legend on the Region overview from always showing only Owned plots. It will now show All plot data when the All plots display is selected.
Added Grain Consumed Per Hour on the Production Overview display.
The Back button from Harvest All Results now returns to the Harvest All screen, instead of the Production Overview.
Fixed a typo on the grain received notification.
General Updates
Adjusted the APR display on Liquidity Pools to account for the monthly 1% reward decline.
Added Dark Energy Crystals (DEC) staked on Land back into the Total Supply.
Fixed the Market Cap calculation for DEC to use the Total Supply, instead of the Circulating Supply
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue where cards staked on land could be sold as part of card packages.
Fixed an issue with Runi not consistently applying 100% efficiency to their plot.
Simplified grain cost calculations for construction costs.
Fixed an issue with negative SPS incorrectly displaying on the Production Overview.
Fixed an issue with being unable to complete some worksites due to an incorrect negative grain cost error.
Fixed an issue where the production amount was displaying at a higher rate than the actual production that had been finished.
Added Card Stake actions to the Card Transfer History.
Land Phase 1.5: The Secrets Of Praetoria
The next phase of the Land expansion has been released! You can now assign monsters to build worksites on your plots to harvest Grain, Research, or SPS! There is a small chance that Totem Fragments can be found while harvesting. In a future update, you will be able to combine fragments into completed Totems and further improve your plots' production! The details of this expansion are covered in the whitepaper. You can also learn more about how to work with these new features from our support guides. There are a few features (Combining Totem fragments, the Grain Market, and Leaderboards) that are not in the initial release, but they will be added over the next few updates. Note: Ownership of Deeds will no longer passively reward SPS, instead it must now be mined from the appropriate worksites.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue with the WAX bridge failing on sending out Gold Foil cards.
General Updates
Cleaned up the tooltip for the last 500,000 RiftWatcher packs to clarify that there is no airdrop.
Made a small change that should improve rental processing.
Fixed a typo in the Darkest Mage lore.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed the Rebellion pre-sale leaderboard not displaying after the pre-sale ended.
Fixed an issue with liquidity pool claim processing not handling errors properly.
Fixed an obscure issue with sending new token types to the null “burn” account.
Final RiftWatchers Airdrop - Inevitable
The final Riftwatchers airdrop card, Inevitable, has been added to the game. It can now be found by opening packs and anyone that bought packs before Saturday Nov. 11, 4:15 am ET / 9:15 am UTC will have a 1/300 chance per pack of getting one airdropped. For every 300 packs purchased, you will receive one guaranteed card. And for every card airdropped, there is a 4% chance that it will be a gold foil card instead of a regular foil.
General Updates
Added some additional validations for linking external wallets in the Tech Modernization client to ensure that they are valid addresses for that specific network.
General Updates
We have moved when a team is checked as valid during the team submission process to occur earlier during processing.
The setting to apply a default locking of cards has been extended to impact all forms of card minting where it was not previously applied, namely air drops and promotional sales.
The casing of WAX wallet addresses is now properly forced to all lower case when saving a new wallet address.
The purchase Credits interface has been updated slightly, so that the amount of credits now persists when navigating between payment types, as long as it is above the minimum amount.
Added some additional checks on the create tournament interface to enforce that the prize ranks are valid ranges.
Removed the Partner link from the website footer, as it went to an invalid e-mail address. Replaced it with a link to Land.
Several payment options have been retired: BAT, BUSD, EMP, ENJ, GALA, GAME, HT, & UNI.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Added better error handling to the Price feed to avoid all prices getting stuck if a single service stops responding properly.
Fixed an issue with Avast/AVG blocking one of the urls used by out site, by replacing that URL with one that resolves to the same data.
General Updates
Removed the burned amount from the Total Supply of DEC on the DEC management page & updated the tooltip.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue with the WAX bridge that could lead to it incorrectly partially transferring items when it was intended that it should fully reject a transfer in.
Fixed an issue where titles that were listed for sale could be set as active.
General Updates
Small update to the Rebellion Leaderboard to add a second degree of sorting based on the date of purchase, if the number of packs purchased is tied.
Added back the DEC Total Supply display, and now pull the data from our own information rather than the Hive engine numbers. The DEC numbers will now recalculate every 5 minutes as well.
The DEC funds held in the DAO wallet are no longer considered part of the circulating supply.
A Rebellion Is Coming Soon!
The Rebellion pre-sale starts tomorrow!!! Final code for the sale, and to support transferring packs to Hive Engine or Atomic Hub, is going out as part of this update. Note: Due to pack sales being split between the company and DAO, any pack referral bonuses will only be 5% of the company half, or 2.5% of the sale price.
General Updates
Fixed an issue with gold foil copies of starter cards not appearing under the All Cards collection filter, unless you owned a copy.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue with the Novice/practice bots not queueing properly after the battle API servers were moved.
5th Riftwatchers Airdrop - Immolation
The fifth Riftwatchers airdrop card, Immolation, has been added to the game. It can now be found by opening packs and anyone that bought packs before 5:15 am EDT / 9:15 am UTC Monday, October 9 will have a 1/275 chance per pack of getting one airdropped. For every 275 packs purchased, you will receive one guaranteed card. And for every card airdropped, there is a 4% chance that it will be a gold foil card instead of a regular foil.
A Rebellion Coming Soon!
The Rebellion pre-sale countdown page has been added to the store, replacing the Chaos Legion pack page.
General Updates
Fixed an issue where the Tech Modernization client was not delegating resource credits to users.
Made some changes that are intended to address the default gas fee in Metamask being lower than the suggested network rate on external chain transactions.
Corrected an issue with the Liquidity Pool & Staking rewards where the reward totals per month weren’t decreasing by the proper amount, as per the whitepaper.
Changed the default music volume to be 50%.
General Updates
The 5th Anniversary event page has been removed from the shop.
Made some minor text clarifications on the card rental tab.
Added a notification if you attempt to cancel a seasonal rental that it cannot be cancelled early.
Removed the total DEC Total Supply from the DEC Management screen, as that number is only a representation of the DEC on Hive Engine and was confusing to users.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
The battle servers were migrated to a new architecture that should provide more stability and better scalability going forward.
Updated Terms of Service
The terms of service have been updated to add brawls and tournaments to the game modes where using automated play is prohibited per this passed proposal. Language has also been added to expand what is considered illegal modes of play for Ranked Modern, Tournament, and Brawls per passed proposal here.
Users will need to accept the updated terms of service on next login.
Getting The Focus You Want
You can now get additional re-rolls on your daily focus by burning in-game Vouchers. The cost per re-roll per league is:
0.5 Vouchers
1 Voucher
5 Vouchers
10 Vouchers
15 Vouchers
General Updates
We have added a Card Collection filter that shows cards that “Can Be Rented”. These are cards that are owned by the current player, that are not on the market, that are not soulbound, and have not been played recently, so would not have a cooldown for other users.
Fixed an issue with max level cards not displaying their collection power bonus on the Tech Modernization displays.
Fixed an issue where the Lock option was incorrectly appearing as active for some cards on the Card Collection view.
Added the bcx, land_base_pp, and land_dec_stake_needed fields to the card collection API results.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed the circulating supply for cards not updating on the display.
4th Riftwatchers Airdrop - Sea Wreck
The fourth Riftwatchers airdrop card, Sea Wreck, has been added to the game. It can now be found by opening packs and anyone that bought packs before 6:00 am EDT / 10:00 am UTC Thursday, September 7 will have a 1/250 chance per pack of getting one airdropped. For every 250 packs purchased, you will receive one guaranteed card. And for every card airdropped, there is a 4% chance that it will be a gold foil card instead of a regular foil.
General Updates
The timer on additional energy purchases now resets at midnight UTC, the same time that the daily focus ends.
Rolling a new Daily Focus will no longer reset your focus points, as the timer no longer resets after the change where all players' focuses end at midnight UTC.
Cleaned up some text that had underlying links on our various e-mails that was causing some browsers to flag them as suspicious.
Gameplay Updates
Fixed an issue where using Zyriel would cause surrenders when Life was an inactive Element.
General Updates
Added changes to try to prevent Novice bots from getting incorrectly paired outside that league.
Added a new Card filter option, “For Rent, Not Rented”, that will display all cards listed for rent that have not been rented out. For better clarity, Rented Out was also renamed to “For Rent, All”.
Added functionality to support time limited promotional codes in future giveaways.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed a UI issue preventing Spellbook purchases from working properly (shortly after the last release).
Gameplay Updates
Changes have been introduced to try to prevent duplicate battle submissions by adding some delays before the client will resend the same submit team transaction. The handling of the error message saying that the battle has already been resolved has been improved, and should no longer require a confirmation if the battle is currently being displayed on the UI.
General Updates
Base Production points and Staking cost for land have been added to the cards information, along with code to populate them when a card is minted or combined. We will be back populating all cards with this data as a pre-requisite for land v0.15 going live over the next several days.
We have updated the underlying database version to a newer release, which should provide better performance. We are also removing several terabytes of unused, archival data from the active database to reduce system costs.
Gameplay Updates
Dispel has been reverted to trigger after damage has resolved. It was not intended for it to go through Divine Shield or Armor buffs, as it is already an extremely useful ability.
Amplify will now persist until the unit supplying it is removed from the field. This is to make it more in line with other buff effects.
Weapons Training should now be properly removed on death. Previously there were cases where the monster with No Attack could die, and when it was resurrected it would incorrectly retain its Weapons Training buffs.
General Updates
Attempts to enter the same tournament more than once will now automatically refund duplicate payments.
Fixed an issue with Seasonal rentals, paid for with Credits, incorrectly calculating amounts. If DEC was under peg, it would improperly refund a fraction of the Credits at the end of the rental, at Splinterlands expense.
Fixed an issue with how Season rentals were renewed. Renewing a Season rental will now immediately pay the full amount and may no longer be cancelled early.
Fixed the calculation of the amount of Credits to refund on a cancelled rental, by basing it on the price of DEC at the time of the original payment.
Liquidity pool rewards should now only show 3 degrees of precision.
Fixed a long standing memory leak on the battle servers, that has been a blocker from us transitioning those servers to our newer instanced server architecture.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue with loading player history, when passing certain arguments to the API (shortly after the last release).
Fixed an issue with filtering Summoner cards using abilities on the Tech Modernization Collection/Card Market pages.
Fixed an issue with opening packs on Mobile, introduced when BCX was added as a card property in preparation for land.
We have finished our audit of the WAX bridge:
We fixed 6393 Cards that were stuck and returned them to the last owner of the NFT.
We found 745 cards that were sent to sl-wax as part of a referral program, that were sent from sl-giveaways, we have sent those cards to SPLINTERLANDSTV for future prizes.
We found 506 cards that were burned on WAX that we also burned on HIVE.
The 9575 DEC produced from burning cards we also burned by sending to null.
General Updates
You can now use Genesis League Sports Governance Tokens (GLX) and Genesis League Sports Stablecoins (GLUSD) to purchase Credits.
Simplified several rental cooldown checks to ensure that rented cards don’t have cooldowns.
Fixed a display issue in the Tech Modernization card market where it was incorrectly showing cooldown timers on cards.
Updated most of the ability tooltips to provide more detailed information.
Edition and BCX have been added onto cards, and BCX will be recalculated whenever cards are combined. Previously, we would always calculate out the BCX value when needed.
Some minor text clean-up on the License store page.
Some changes were made to improve performance when pulling recent transaction history.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue with some market items not being purchasable when the seller had 0 DEC. (shortly after the last update).
Added the ability to open Riftwatcher packs on Mobile.
Replaced the Contribute DEC option on Mobile with Contribute Guild Power, which you still need to get via the website currently.
Fixed an issue on Mobile where you needed to get out of Novice in Wild to see chests, even if you were in Bronze or higher in Modern.
Riftwatcher (Packs) Begin To Depart
A daily burn of Riftwatcher packs has been implemented, per this passed DAO proposal. The store supply will be reduced by 15,000 packs a day at 9 AM UTC, while the supply lasts.
TeraBlock Splinterlands Token Market
One of our third party partners, TeraBlock, has set-up a new site where you can exchange a large list of various cryptocurrencies for SPS or DEC. All purchasing of DEC and SPS via crypto is now being directed to this site.
General Updates
Fixed a potential rounding error on external SPS balances, by always rounding down. Trying to transfer more than was actually in a wallet on an external network could cause it to error/display large transfer gas fees due to this.
Adjusted the initial card rental payments to come from the escrow account, instead of directly from the renter, and the full amount for the rental is paid into escrow instead of the total minus the first day.
Multiple payments on a card market transaction will now be grouped into a single payment. This will mainly be seen on the seller’s side, i.e. if someone buys 5 cards from you in a single transaction then you will see a single market fee and burn fee that are the sum of fees from all 5 of the purchases.
Made some changes to the transactions/history API to address getting duplicate entries for transactions.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
The XP/BCX for Prince Julian, Archmage Arius, and Mighty Dricken have been corrected to reflect max level cards.
Tech Modernization
An issue on the Collection screen where the Combine button would inappropriately be active when you had both gold foil and regular foil cards selected has been addressed.
General Updates
The passed DAO proposal to remove the restrictions on the DAO claiming liquidity rewards has been implemented.
The card market processing of payments has been reworked so that there is now a counter-party, a.k.a. the account that sent the tokens, on the balance history for most card market transactions. Note that this will only be for new transactions, and we will not be attempting to back populate this data.
You can no longer query the unclaimed balance history of system accounts, as some of them have so much data that the query would adversely impact system performance.
We will no longer be processing any battle transactions sent to other addresses than the standard https://battle.splinterlands.com. A few other addresses were accepting them previously, and we are removing this to simplify monitoring Modern Ranked activity.
Added some additional error information on failed team submissions.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
The SPS airdrop claim page has been retired per this passed DAO proposal.
Per the passed DAO proposal, we have updated the terms of service to reflect that automated play is prohibited in Modern Ranked.
Changes have been put into place to try to prevent non-manual play from being processed for Modern Ranked battles. If you run into issues while playing manually, please contact Support for assistance.
The next time you login, you will be presented with the updated Terms of Service and need to agree to them to continue to battle on the site.
Tech Modernization
Account Security has been updated to show granted authorities, as well as the ability to delegate out authority to other accounts from that screen.
When creating an account, we will now require a “strong” password be used, per NIST password standards.
General Updates
The Team Creation music has been updated with different tracks that sync better to the selection timers.
Added the ability to pass a minQuantity and/or a maxQuantity argument to the Rental Bids API, which will filter the listings returned based on the min/max amount of tokens (SPS) being requested.
Fixed an issue with gold foil Alpha/Beta Epic cards showing as the wrong level on the main market display.
Improved the performance on updating account balances. Nothing players will likely notice individually, but should help improve our system performance in general.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue with player balances not accepting lists of users (hot fixed shortly after the last release).
Fixed an issue where moving the last card off of WAX with the filter set to On Wax would break the collection view (hot fixed shortly after the last release).
Fixed an issue where certain accounts using Metamask login couldn’t properly login.
Fixed an issue where Alpha/Beta edition cards wouldn’t enable the combine option on the UI properly under certain conditions.
Cards from failed historical Eth mints have been returned back to the sender.
Improved the stability of our processes talking to external chains.
Added missing Ability descriptions to the Mobile version.
Fixed Kra’ar Xoc not displaying properly in battle on the Mobile version.
Updated the Focus timer in the Mobile version to reflect the new reset.
Daily Focus Re-Focused
We have changed the daily focus reset to be at midnight UTC.
The focus timer is now a fixed period, so if you wait to claim then the countdown for the next day will already be in progress. If you wait until 4 hours after reset, you’ll have 20 hours to earn points towards your next focus rewards.
Resetting a focus no longer resets the timer.
The intent of this change is to remove the advantage automated accounts have in being able to reliably claim rewards immediately at their reset time each day, while human players tend to fall behind and feel unduly pressured to try to be online to claim as soon as their focus expires.
Gameplay Updates
An issue where expired rentals and cancelled delegations would not always disappear from the Team Creation selection has been addressed. This should hopefully cut down on issues where this would cause surrenders due to the team being considered invalid.
The Brawl team selection timer has been extended to a full 3 minutes.
Stunned monsters will only become unstunned on a later round than they were stunned. There were some odd situations with retaliate and Stuns where a Stun could effectively clear during the same round.
Monsters with Life Leech and Dispel will no longer gain life that was removed due to Dispel removing bonus health.
Monsters with Double Strike that die and return to play via Rebirth or Resurrect during their first attack will now skip making a second attack on that turn.
As part of creating a human only league, battle operations submitted on-chain will no longer be processed. Almost no one submits on-chain anymore already, due to issues where your team can potentially be seen in advance.
Tech Modernization
Added the missing Terms of Service link and Copyright information to the footer of the Tech Modernization pages.
Added a warning on purchasing DEC/SPS pages when Transak is selected, that it is not available for all countries - namely the U.S.
General Updates
Fixed an issue with the UI display of estimated reward calculations, where league limits for rating points used in the reward calculations were not being enforced.
Delegated cards now appear as available sooner. Previously, if you were currently doing battles when they were delegated out then there might be some delay before they appeared.
Added the ability to delegate Tokens via delegation authority.
Updated the WAX wallet version we are using to address problems being able to talk to the WAX Cloud wallets.
Fixed an issue with the DEC supply failing to include the amount of DEC held in escrow for rentals.
Gold foil summoners will now have their level and star icon display in gold text on the battle display.
Tokens have been split into active and archived tokens, for tokens we issued that essentially had a limited life span - like Splinterfest tickets (SLFEST_2022_GA) or Halfling Alchemist redemption tokens (ALCHEMIST). Essentially anything that no longer has any in-game purpose has been moved to the archived list. These can still be see by querying a new API players/archived_balances
, which behaves the same as players/balances
except that it returns these archived tokens. The players/balances API will now only return active tokens.
Disabled accepting HOOP and PGU for Credits due to low trading volumes.
Updated some Splinter Bites to remove incorrect information.
Updated the public facing API documentation.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue with SPS rewards not displaying on the mobile version of the site (shortly after the last update).
Fixed an issue where the Locked icon was incorrectly not enabled for some cards.
Fixed an issue with the market volume not being updated on the metrics data used by some third party sites.
SPS Staking Multiplier for Ranked Battle Rewards
Collection power requirements for advancing to higher leagues have been removed! Instead there will be a reward multiplier based on the amount of staked Splintershard tokens (SPS) the winning player has, including both staked SPS that they own and staked SPS that has been delegated to them. For full details of this change, see the announcement post here. To assist with this change and to provide players another method of increasing their staked SPS, a SPS Rental Market has also been introduced.
SPS Rental Market
A new market has been added for renting staked SPS delegations. This market operates via a bid system, where you can place a bid asking for an amount of SPS to be delegated for a certain amount of Dark Energy Crystals (DEC) or Credits. All rentals on this new market are for a one week duration and cannot be removed early. Note: All delegations need to be removed manually after the rental duration has ended with this initial release.
Riftwatchers for DEC
As per the recently passed DAO proposal, Rifwatcher packs will now be priced at 5000 DEC instead of $5 USD worth of SPS.
Tech Modernization
Fixed an issue with the display of BCX sum calculations on the new Card Market and Collection that was showing incorrect values for some older sets.
Filter selections now persist between the Market and Collection.
Gladiator Cards now appear under Modern on the new Market and Collection, and not just Wild.
Made some spacing tweaks on the card details page.
Fixed an issue where some older sets did not properly display partial level advancement on the card image when they are selected.
The Wild icon now defaults as highlighted, since that is the default selection. This also is the default selection on a filter reset.
General Updates
Per this passed DAO proposal, all market transactions will now have a set 6% fee. 4% of this fee will go to the market that the sale took place on, while 2% will be burned to reduce the Dark Energy Crystal total supply.
The Nightmare Pack sale has ended, and they are no longer available for sale from the Shop (as of 4 PM EST following this update going Live). They can still be found on the non-card market.
The Welcome Back page has bee updated with a link to these notes!
Unstaking tokens and cancelling unstaking tokens now requires Active Key authority.
The way initial rental payments are handled has been updated to function like all other market transactions. The owner of the card will now receive the full amount of DEC, and then fees will be deducted - as opposed to the renter paying/seeing the fees on their end.
Added a link to the SplinterLore site in the footer of the pages!
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue with Credits costs calculating/displaying incorrectly on the Market (shortly after the last update).
Fixed an issue with Untamed Cards not appearing when the Modern filter is selected.
Fixed an issue with Untamed Cards not appearing as the proper level on the Market and Collection.
Fixed an issue with Cooldown tooltips not appearing on the Market and Collection.
Fixed an issue with the top bar of the Market floating incorrectly on some browsers.
Fixed an issue with the season reward claim button not appearing under specific conditions.
Added a Nightmare Pack Icon on Hive Engine & fixed the broken icons for other packs.
Softer Season Resets
The season rating reset values have been adjusted to reset users to the mid-point rating of the new league tier, instead of the bottom. This is to prevent the issue where a single loss could drop players into an entirely lower league at the start of the season. This will apply at the end of the current ranked season. You can see the changes on the below table:
No Reset
No Reset
Bronze III
Bronze II
Bronze I
Silver III
Silver II
Silver I
Gold III
Gold II
Gold I
Diamond III
Diamond II
Diamond I
Champ III
Champ II
Champ I
Tech Modernization
The Card Market and Collection screens have been moved to the Tech Modernization client!
The music on the Collection and Market will now persist through card selection, rather than ending and restarting on navigation.
You can now look up cards by the card’s name.
General Updates
The Burninator, The Incinerator, and The Scorcher titles have been added to the game, which will be awarded when the 5th Anniversary Event ends following the update.
We have added the ability to filter card\history
API results by the transaction type value by passing in a transfer_types argument. This can be a single value, or a comma separated list of values. As an example, https://api.splinterlands.com/cards/history?id=C3-351-1THV3X4HCW&transfer_types=current,market
Corrected some additional text that used Splinter in the place of Element.
The majority of card creation information has been back populated from pack openings and reward cards. There are still some special cases, like certain promo cards, that haven’t been added yet.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue with attack animations not displaying the graphics correctly (shortly after the last update).
Fixed an issue with Alpha/Beta edition cards not filtering properly on the main card market page (shortly after the last update).
Fixed an issue where accounts with only ranked battles in only one format were having issues playing (shortly after the last update).
Fixed an issue where rented cards were incorrectly being included on the main card market summary results.
Fixed an issue where gold foil Untamed core cards were not filtering properly on the main card market page.
Fixed an issue where Packages could not be purchased.
Gameplay Updates
We have made some changes to the interaction between buffs and debuffs to prevent situations where +2 buffs would incorrectly be removed by a -1 debuff under specific conditions.
Season reward chest type should no longer reset to Bronze if you skip playing an entire season. Like rating, it should now carry over from the last season finished.
General Updates
The last portion of a major overhaul of our internal card market functionality has been implemented. Most of this should be invisible to players, but should improve market performance. The main item of note is that the initial card display will now only update once per minute, so if you see discrepancies between the main page listing and the actual amount of cards for sale, this will likely be the cause.
Fixed an issue that could lead to incorrect collection power adjustments when rentals ended and recalculated all the collection power on accounts to ensure it was correct.
Fixed an issue where the old version of the UI would not always respect the Hive Keychain node selection when broadcasting transactions.
The minting information for cards will now be carried over onto combined/burned cards and appear on cards/find
API results. This will initially be blank for all historical combined card records, but we will back populate the data as a separate future project.
The last market sale price and token will now be populated onto cards/find
and cards/history
API results. This will initially be blank for all historical sales, but will be populated going forward.
The tool tip text for gold foil only versus all cards being available in brawls has been updated for better clarity.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Improved the query we are running to pull the lowest priced cards by level for better performance (shortly after the last update).
Corrected (reduced) the circulating supply of some Alpha, Beta, and old Promo cards. When the game was initially released, cards were pre-minted for packs, instead of being created at the time of opening (which has been the current method for a long time now). A number of these cards were still in lingering in the data with no assigned owner, and have now been removed. The list of cards removed can be found here.
Guild Contribution Rework
The upgrading of Guild buildings has been switched from Dark Energy Crystals (DEC) to Guild Power, which is purchasable with DEC or DEC-B. This change makes it possible for players to take 90% of Guild Power back when leaving a guild, rather than it being permanently donated. For full details of this change, see the announcement post here.
Any previous donations of DEC to a guild building remain permanent and cannot be taken with you if you leave a guild.
This change introduces a 7-day probationary period before gaining most guild benefits to encourage people to join guilds for the long term.
Blood Stones and Power Stones, for use with Gladius Cases, can now also be purchased with DEC-B.
General Updates
Fixed an issue with the new player workflow not working properly with the changes to the shop page for the promotional events. It should once again properly direct them through a Spellbook purchase.
The cards/history
API has been improved to include the combine history of a card, as well as the transfer history.
Fixed the display of Anytime Tournament prizes in Currency Activity to be noted as Tournament Prizes.
We are now capturing mint information on the cards themselves, logging the block and transaction information. This data will appear on the cards/find
API results.
Note: This will only appear on cards generated after this patch. We will look at back populating this information onto older cards in the future, as a separate project.
Some performance improvements were made to how we get users card collection data. This is likely not noticeable as an individual player, but reduces load on the system overall, as this is the most frequent information being queried.
Corrected a minor typo on the Soulkeep shop page.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue with 30 day Market Activity not displaying (shortly after the last update).
Fixed an issue with the 24 Hour sale volume not displaying (shortly after the last update).
Survey Boosts Expired
The initial duration for buying survey boosts has ended. You can still survey deeds, but there is no longer the option to add Building In A Box, Time Crystals, or Unstable Totem boosts.
Market Updates
Some changes have been made to improve market performance. There should no longer be the odd delay where a cancelled, or completed, item would still show up on the active market items API (market/active_status
) and should now immediately appear in the completed market item (market/completed_status
At the request of a third party market, we have added an additional sort option to the market/market_query_by_card
API - low_price_by_level. Passing this as the sort option will return the lowest price/bcx cards per level for all levels of that card, with a default of 10 and a limit of 100 cards. To fully rehash the options for this API:
id (also accepts card_detail_id) - a required integer for the specific card to be looked up on the market.
gold - optional parameter that will filter to gold on ‘true’, otherwise defaults to showing regular foil.
type - optional parameter that will filter to rentals if ‘rent’ is given, defaults to items for sale.
rental_type - optional parameter, only used for rentals that will filter to seasonal rentals if ‘season’ is passed, otherwise defaults to daily rentals.
fee - optional parameter, integer version of the fee (i.e., 500 = 5%) that will filter to only show items that are greater than or equal to the value. Default is 500 as the normal in-game market.
edition - optional parameter, integer value that specifies the edition of a card. Only needed when Alpha/Beta cards share an ID. If there is only one edition of a card, it will default to that. For Alpha/Beta it will default to Alpha if not passed.
sort - optional parameter, can be 'low_price_by_level', 'low_price', 'high_price', 'low_price_bcx', 'high_price_bcx', 'high_bcx', or 'low_bcx'. The default value is low_price_bcx.
limit - optional parameter, integer value that limits the number of results returned. Default is 200, maximum is 1,000 normally, when using low_price_by level the default is 10 and maximum is 100.
level - optional parameter, integer value that will only return cards whose level is of the given value. If not set, returns all cards. This overrides min_level and max_level options and is unused with low_price_by level.
min_level - optional parameter, integer value that will only return cards at this level or greater. May be combined with max_level, but not level and is not used with low_price_by_level.
max_level - optional parameter, integer value that will only return cards at or below this value. May be combined with min_level, but not level and is not used with low_price_by_level.
General Updates
You can now use HOOP tokens for purchasing Credits.
The Novice/Practice Bots are now explicitly excluded from the leaderboard. Because the Practice bots mimic their opponent's rating to get matched up with them, this could lead them to temporarily showing up on the Bronze leaderboard.
Fixed a handful of cards with incorrect Collection Power in the database. Previously, we were calculating out a cards collection power every time it was referenced, but have moved towards using the already recorded value on the card. This lead us to discover some of the values were incorrect in the database, though it wasn’t noticeable in-game previously. As part of this, we have also recalculated everyone’s collection power to ensure it is set correctly.
Fixed an issue with $/BCX incorrectly rounding on the in-game market display, which should lead to a more accurate value being shown on the market.
Fixed an issue with the player name, instead of the WAX address, appearing on the notification when transferring packs or land tokens to WAX.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue with Chaos Legion, Riftwatchers, and Nightmare packs on WAX not showing up on the Transfer balances.
The Great Conflagration Begins
The 5 year Anniversary Event is now live. You may burn DEC, or DEC-B, for Guild Points and potentially entries in a giveaway as described in this post.
You will be able to burn DEC to receive Guild Points at a 1:1 ratio. Guild points will be usable in a future update, that is expected to come out prior to the end of this event.
For every DEC spent, you will also receive points towards a burning leaderboard. The top 200 accounts will receive prizes, and every 10K points from burning will qualify accounts for an entry into a random prize giveaway that includes Packs, Plots, and Runi. See the announcement post for full details.
Default Locking
The Settings page has been redesigned to include two new options to enable card or pack locking by default. You have the option to set a default number of days, and to lock cards from packs and rewards as soon as they are obtained.
General Updates
There have been some changes to the APIs used by third party card markets, market/for_rent_by_card
& market/for_sale_by_card
, as well as market/market_query_by_card
used by the in-game card market. The APIs have essentially had their results synced up, as an example market_query_by_card now includes last used block and the for_sale and for_rent APIs now include price_bcx and level. The arguments for market/market_query_by_card
remain unchanged, and can be found in the earlier release notes here.
The market/for_rent_by_card
& market/for_sale_by_card
now accept the following parameters:
id (also accepts card_detail_id) - a required integer for the specific card to be looked up on the market.
gold - optional parameter that will filter to gold on ‘true’, otherwise defaults to showing regular foil.
rental_type - optional parameter, only used for rentals that will filter to seasonal rentals if ‘season’ is passed, otherwise defaults to daily rentals.
fee - optional parameter, integer version of the fee (i.e., 500 = 5%) that will filter to only show items that are greater than or equal to the value. Default is 500 as the normal in-game market.
edition - optional parameter, integer value that specifies the edition of a card. Only needed when Alpha/Beta cards share an ID. If there is only one edition of a card, it will default to that. For Alpha/Beta it will default to Alpha if not passed.
level - optional parameter, integer value that will only return cards whose level is of the given value. If not set, returns all cards. This overrides min_level and max_level options.
min_level - optional parameter, integer value that will only return cards at this level or greater. May be combined with max_level, but not level.
max_level - optional parameter, integer value that will only return cards at or below this value. May be combined with min_level, but not level.
Note: These APIs return all cards under these filtering option in unsorted order, for performance reasons. We suggest using market/market_query_by_card
when possible.
Unlimited Power
The cap on purchasing additional energy has been removed. Instead, the cost now scales up by 50% after every 25 additional energy purchased per day.
SPS Airdrop Revisited
We have added a link on the SPS Management page to go back and claim unredeemed SPS air drops from Hive, Binance, Wax, or Ethereum assets.
Since the Steem and Tron bridges are no longer running, if you have air drop claims from those assets you will need to contact support and provide proof of ownership of those accounts by sending a transaction from them, and we will assist with redeeming those claims. You can check outstanding air drops via an API calls of https://api.splinterlands.com/players/sps_airdrop?address=<wallet or account name as appropriate for the chain>. Note: All airdrops require the signature of the wallet you are claiming against, we will be unable to process any airdrops without a transaction.
Initial API Documentation
We have released some very basic API documentation at https://api.splinterlands.com/doc. This is generated documentation, so there is not a lot of details on what each API does, but hopefully the third party developers can expand upon this information to make it easier for the community to build tools.
General Updates
Added back in the second layer of sorting when sorting by Price or BCX on the card market.
Added an e-mail to both the new and old e-mail addresses when an e-mail is changed on an account.
The Currency Activity code was cleaned up to resolve some uncommon issues where data would fail to display.
Fixed several places where we incorrectly directed people to go to Discord for support, and replaced the text with a link to the support site.
The card history API has been reworked to return a card transfer history. Previously this would try to return all transactions a card was noted on, which would almost always time out. Example link: https://api.splinterlands.com/cards/history?id=C4-139-OH0SNBNCPS
The deprecated API cards\reveal_quest_reward has been fully removed. This was from the prior quest system and no longer had any functionality associated with it.
Some performance improvements for how we pull card collection data.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue where Resurrect clearing Cripple was incorrectly also restoring current health (shortly after the last patch).
Account Security & Changing Email
A new Account Security page has been added to the drop down option menu. From this section you can set an e-mail if none is associated with your account, verify your e-mail address is valid, change the existing e-mail on an account, change your password for your account, or request your keys after buying the Spellbook.
As noted above, we have added the ability to change the e-mail associated with your account in-game. This functionality requires active key authority and the new e-mail cannot already be associated with another account. Support has put together a guide for this process that can be found here.
Gameplay Updates
Resurrection and Rebirth have been updated to properly clear Affliction, Blind, Cripple, Halving, Poison, Snare, and Weaken. Recharging is also now reset.
General Updates
We have updated the way cards for sale and rent are pulled from the system to only return the 1,000 that are actually displayed. This should improve the load time for listings and reduce data transfer amounts. Previously it would return all cards for sale, then sort on the UI side.
For third party developers, the new API is market/market_query_by_card
. An example of a basic query would be: https://api.splinterlands.com/market/market_query_by_card?id=411
However, there’s a lot of flexibility in what market data you can query. A more complex example would be: https://api.splinterlands.com/market/market_query_by_card?id=411&gold=true&type=rent&rental_type=season&fee=400&level=3&limit=300&sort=low_price The arguments for the api are:
id (also accepts card_detail_id) - a required integer for the specific card to be looked up on the market.
gold - optional parameter that will filter to gold on ‘true’, otherwise defaults to showing regular foil.
type - optional parameter that will filter to rentals if ‘rent’ is given, defaults to items for sale.
rental_type - optional parameter, only used for rentals that will filter to seasonal rentals if ‘season’ is passed, otherwise defaults to daily rentals.
fee - optional parameter, integer version of the fee (i.e., 500 = 5%) that will filter to only show items that are greater than or equal to the value. Default is 500 as the normal in-game market.
edition - optional parameter, integer value that specifies the edition of a card. Only needed when Alpha/Beta cards share an ID. If there is only one edition of a card, it will default to that. For Alpha/Beta it will default to Alpha if not passed.
limit - optional parameter, integer value that limits the number of results returned. Default is 200, maximum is 1,000.
level - optional parameter, integer value that will only return cards whose level is of the given value. If not set, returns all cards. This overrides min_level and max_level options.
min_level - optional parameter, integer value that will only return cards at this level or greater. May be combined with max_level, but not level.
max_level - optional parameter, integer value that will only return cards at or below this value. May be combined with min_level, but not level.
sort - optional parameter, can be 'low_price', 'high_price', 'low_price_bcx', 'high_price_bcx', 'high_bcx', or 'low_bcx'. The default value is low_price_bcx.
Fixed a typo in the Terraceous Grunt lore.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Paypal purchases via Credit Card have been temporarily disabled due to issues found with processing some of those requests.
General Updates
Asset Locking has been extended to Titles. You can now lock Titles so that they cannot be sold or traded until they have been unlocked and the number of days has expired, in the same fashion as Cards or Deeds.
Two new optional parameters have been added to marketplace_purchase
, market_purchase
, and market_rent
operations - expected_dec_price & dec_mismatch_percent. This is to cover the case where blocks are behind or a price feed is incorrect. The transaction will compare the current DEC price when processed vs. the passed in expected_dec_price value, and if the difference is greater than the dec_mismatch_percent it will reject the transaction. The expected_dec_price should be a non-zero positive floating point value and the dec_mismatch_price a non-zero positive integer.
Renamed Tower Defense in the Shop to Soulkeep, as the game now has a name.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Made some improvements to the data we log for promo card sales to make it easier to track what currency was spent and the number of vouchers used.
Zyriel, The first Dual-Element Card
Shortly after this maintenance, Zyriel will become available in the Store for purchase. For full details on this card and sale, you can see the release announcement posted here.
Gameplay Updates
The game has been updated to allow for multi-element cards. Although only one will currently be available with the above promotional sale at this time, the groundwork is there to add more in future sets.
A new rule set, Born Again, has been added that gives all monsters the Rebirth ability.
General Updates
Made some changes to address an issue where the game did not properly show that the game was in maintenance when calling the settings.
Added pagination to some land pages for better UI performance and sorting.
The way the active Runi image is tracked has been updated, allowing it to better persist across devices on an account.
We have made some changes to how we store card Market information that should allow us to better track the level of a card at the time of a sale. These are more foundational changes that are intended to be used to improve performance and provide better historical data in the near future.
Fixed a minor UI issue on Currency Activity where the DEC history could fail to display when navigating from Unclaimed to DEC.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue with game related emails, i.e. forgot password links, not sending (shortly after the last update).
Fixed an issue preventing the surveying of land (shortly after the last update).
Fixed an issue that was preventing some users from making Paypal purchases.
Staked SPS Delegation
You can now delegate Staked Splintershards (SPS) to other players. This can be accessed via a new Manage button on the SPS screen.
Tournaments with SPS entry requirements will count the total of a user's Staked SPS and Delegated SPS.
Proposal Voting ignores Delegated SPS. Votes will still count the full Staked SPS amount a user has, and Delegated SPS cannot be used for voting.
Delegated SPS cannot be Unstaked. You must first cancel the Delegation before being able to Unstake that SPS.
DEC Batteries For Guild
You can now also use DEC-B to pay for guild building upgrades.
Land Locked
You may now Lock Land Deeds so they cannot be traded for a set period of days, in the same fashion as card locking. Locked Deeds cannot be traded or sold until they have been Unlocked, and the locking period initially set has expired.
The Lock Deed page is accessible off of the Individual Deed, Grouped Deeds, and Deed List screens via the new Lock icon.
Upcoming Promotional Card
The Promo page in the store has been updated with a countdown timer for the next promotional card, Zyriel. For full details on this card, you can see the release announcement posted here.
General Updates
The Paypal checkout interface has been updated to use their latest code.
Some code related to no longer used Payment methods has been removed.
The code for logging out was cleaned up to improve that process and prevent an issue where it would get stuck displaying a spinner on some browsers.
The display of pack opening notifications on Tech Modernization clients has been updated to persist and to more closely match our other notifications.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue with login, resetting password, and key requests.
Fixed an issue with claiming SPS liquidity rewards.
Fixed an issue with Runi profile pictures not displaying on the Mobile apps.
Less Pop-ups
Two options have been added to disable some Tournament and Brawl notifications. They are on by default, meaning you will receive all notifications about Brawls and Tournaments.
Disabling Tournament notifications will hide the Tournament Has Started, Next Round Started, Anytime Tournament Active Reminder, and 15 Minutes Check-in Reminder notifications.
Disabling Brawl notifications will hide the Brawl Start, Fray Assignment Changed, No Opponents Found, and Brawl In-Progress Reminder notifications.
Tech Modernization
The Other Items page has been moved to the Tech Modernization client.
An issue where some Tech Modernization pages were still accessible when the site was in maintenance has been addressed.
Sound has been added to a number of the land displays, if you zoom in to the individual plot display.
Visual effects have been added to a number of deeds on the card view.
General Updates
Combined the display of the DEC-SPS liquidity pool down to one entry on the UI.
Removed references to card “editions” and replaced them with “sets” in various game texts.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue with the league being set improperly on accounts that had skipped playing one or more seasons.
Guild Invite Mailbox
There is a new My Mailbox section under Guilds that tracks your applications and invitations to join a guild.
Land SPS Distribution Changes
SPS rewards for holding land will now only be given out to Surveyed lands, per the recently passed proposal. Land Tokens (plots, tracts, regions) and unsurveyed deeds will no longer give SPS. The original posted proposal can be found here.
General Updates
Land Survey Boosts can now be paid for with a split of DEC Batteries and DEC. If you do not have sufficient DEC Batteries, it will fulfill the remaining payment using DEC.
We have added the same purchase block delay to Non-Card Market items that already exists on the card market, now that land is also being sold through that interface.
Time Crystals are now transferrable inside the game.
On the Currency Activity Page, Staked SPS has been moved to be a sub-menu of SPS and DEC Batteries has been moved to be a sub-menu of DEC.
PayPal checkout has been updated, as some of the functionality they were offering has been removed on their end.
Fixed an issue where using the multi-token transfer block chain operation would accept illegal entries for the recipient.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue with Surveyed Deeds not counting towards SPS air drops.
Fixed an issue with being unable to Transfer Deeds due to a UI issue where the buttons were under another image.
Fixed a rare issue with balances not loading on SPS Management, Vouchers, and Tech Modernization for some users.
Fixed an issue with the wrong rarities being displayed in Land tool tips.
Fixed an issue with incorrect location names on Land tool tips.
Fixed an issue with castle/keep sizing on some Land types.
Fixed an issue with the number of decimals being displayed for SPS on some Tech Modernization pages.
Land (1.0) Ho!
Surveying of land has been added to the game. You may now survey your land deeds to find out the details on the plots that you own! For more information on surveying, you can review the land documentation here.
Note: When surveying there are only guaranteed minimum rarities when surveying 100 plots (i.e. a tract) in the same transaction.
Tech Modernization
The SPS Management page has been moved over to the Tech Modernization client.
Currency Activity has been updated with an Other section that tracks DEC-B, packs, potions, totems, and any other future assets not covered in the existing sections.
Currency Activity → Vouchers has had in-game voucher history added.
General Updates
Market Expiration, or items being removed after 30 days of inactivity, has been updated to properly update collection power when cards are returned from the market. We have also turned market expiration back on.
Fixed a rare issue where a 2nd Bloodlust would incorrectly trigger if a monster killed by a Bloodlust monster was resurrected, but then died a 2nd time to poison or earthquake damage.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed the collection power of players where there were discrepancies between cards owned, rented, and delegated versus what was on the player information.
Made some corrections to the rewards table to ensure that the percentages match what was published in the original article here.
Fixed an issue with Novice battle bots not finding Modern ranked opponents.
Market Expirations Are Here
Cards that have been on the market for more than 30 days, with no activity, will now be removed. Going forward this will happen regularly once cards hit the 30 day mark with no activity.
The Vruz promotional sale has ended and the store page will eventually be replaced with the next promo card.
Gameplay Updates
The card cooldown period has been extended from 1 day to 2 days, to match the minimum daily rental and energy recharge periods.
A new rule set, Are You Not Entertained?, has been added, which allows players to play one additional Gladiator card in a match.
More Prize Options
Additional prizes may now be automatically put into tournaments for distribution. Packs, Plots, and Totems can now be listed as tournament prizes for automatic distribution. Note that custom tournament prizes are still an option for other things that are not supported for automatic distribution.
General Updates
Fixed an issue with Refund transaction information in Currency Activity. It will now link to the cancellation transaction of the refunded card, instead of not going anywhere. Note that this will only be true of new refunds after this update.
The link to the Support site will now open in a new tab on Tech Modernization pages.
Small enhancement to the new Promo shop page to have options for restricting sales to Hive accounts and/or Accounts with Spellbooks specifically.
Minor UI tweaks for the Energy sale page to fit better on mobile-size screens.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an incorrect display where it noted 100 Nightmare packs needed to be purchased to get into the Soulkeep Beta (it is 500).
Fixed an issue where people that hard purchased 500 Nightmare packs in the pre-sale, but then sold them, couldn’t access the Soulkeep Beta.
Fixed an issue with the next season calculations, which was sometimes causing it to add an extra month.
Fixed an issue where some changes to eventually support multi-color summoners were incorrectly allowing Dragon monsters to always be valid (fixed shortly after the last release).
Added additional links to the Store to other markets where you can purchase Chaos Legion packs.
New Energy System
The energy collection rate system has been revamped to a simpler model. For a full article about this change, you can find it here. To summarize, accounts now have a limit of 50 energy, regain 1 energy per hour, and each ranked battle above Novice league costs 1 energy.
To make it clear, playing in the Novice league no longer costs energy.
All former calculations for rewards will treat the energy collection rate as always being 100%.
You can purchase up to 50 additional energy per day at a rate determined by the highest league that you are currently earning rewards for, based on the following chart.
Cost per 1 Energy (DEC)
Vruz Promo Card Sale
A new promotional card, Vruz, will be on sale for users that have at least 1,000 SPS staked. For more details, you can read the full article here.
This is a common rarity Dragon card, which will cost 1 Voucher each. Users may only buy 1 card per 1,000 SPS that they had actively staked during the maintenance period when this was released.
Soulkeep Closed Beta
The closed beta for Soulkeep, our upcoming tower defense game, is now accessible from the main menu.
Users that have purchased 500 or more Nightmare packs should be able to access the initial testing levels. For more details, you can see this article about the beta release.
Minor updates to the Tower Defense store page UI.
General Updates
Splinterlands Battle Bots will now respond to Practice queue requests, though they only have starter cards at this time.
Fixed an issue with Referrals not populating properly on the Tech Modernization Registration page.
Added a link to the Non-Card Market from the sold out Chaos Legion pack page.
Added an API requested by third parties to pull info on when a season ended, i.e. https://api.splinterlands.com/season?id=2 .
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue with purchasing SPS/DEC through Transak.
Ancient Redwood, the Riftwatchers airdrop card for 1 million packs having been sold has been released. It should also now be available to be found in packs.
Just in time for Chaos Legion to be sold out, the nightly automated addition of Mavericks to the newer sl-mavs QA server has been fixed.
Splinterlands Battle Bots
Automated free-to-play accounts, that have their rating frequently reset back to 0, have been added to Novice league to supply matches to new players.
Novice players will no longer be matched with Bronze players.
Tournament Approvals & UI Improvements
Third party tournaments with a high prize pool value will now need to be reviewed and approved by the Splinterlands team (Weirdbeard) before they will go live for player sign-ups.
Any unapproved tournaments that fail to start will refund the creation fee back to the tournament creator.
A large number of small changes have been made to improve the Streamer mode display. Some notable changes:
Display teeth icons in a darker shade for watched battles.
Increased the number of watched battles saved in local storage from 10 to 30.
In streamer mode, changed the VS icon state to be indicative of the battle result once all battles in a match-up are watched.
In streamer mode, once a tournament battle is watched, return to the Battles tab instead of the current behavior of returning to the Arena → Results tab.
Fixed a longstanding bug that sometimes caused the VS icon on the battle list to vanish after watching a battle.
Added an Owned Soulbound filter option, to only show the Soulbound cards that you currently own.
Added a Tradeable filter option, to only show the cards in your collection that you own, that are not locked, that are not on the market, that are not delegated, and are not Soulbound.
Made some adjustments to how rental payments process to try to improve performance.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue with rental authority not working properly for updating rental prices (shortly after the last update).
Fixed an issue with new spell book purchases not getting 3,000 Credits correctly. All impacted accounts had their balances corrected.
Fixed the ability to make purchases of Spellbooks and Credits with Enjin.
Removed several currencies from the Spellbook purchases list that were only properly implemented as Credit purchase options.
General Updates
Fixed a longstanding bug that sometimes caused the VS icon on the battle list to vanish after watching a battle.
Added an Owned Soulbound filter option, to only show the Soulbound cards that you currently own.
Added a Tradeable filter option, to only show the cards in your collection that you own, that are not locked, that are not on the market, that are not delegated, and are not Soulbound.
Made some adjustments to how rental payments process to try to improve performance.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed an issue with rental authority not working properly for updating rental prices (shortly after the last update).
Fixed an issue with new spell book purchases not getting 3,000 Credits correctly. All impacted accounts had their balances corrected.
Fixed the ability to make purchases of Spellbooks and Credits with Enjin.
Removed several currencies from the Spellbook purchases list that were only properly implemented as Credit purchase options.
Market Listing Fees & Expiration
Market items will now expire after 30 days. For rentals, they will only expire if they are not rented out for a period of 30 days.
Listing a card for sale or rent will now cost a 1 DEC or Credit fee. Changing the price on a market item will also incur this same fee.
Sets of items will only cost 1 DEC or Credit to list or update.
Listing or updating multiple items will cost 1 DEC or Credit per market entry being updated.
For third-party developers, any operations to list items for sale or update prices will need to include a “list_fee_token” and “list_fee” value. The list_fee should be a numeric value that is the number of market items being impacted times the fee per item (1 at this time), while the list fee token should be “DEC” or “CREDITS” respectively.
Tech Modernization
Fixed an issue on mobile devices where you could not drag and drop packs to open them on the Mana Well.
Fixed an issue where a link to External Wallets was available for free-to-play, non-Hive, accounts.
General Updates
Fixed an issue where the Season Rental days would incorrectly round down the number of days remaining if there was less than 12 hours left in a day. It will now always round up the calculated days until end of season.
Added functionality to distribute Chaos Legion packs from a secondary account when the store is sold out, to meet the passed Proposal where we pulled some packs from the store to continue having a reward supply.
When packs run out, if a Pack would have been awarded and none are available, it will now use reward card(s) instead of a DEC amount as previous releases.
Fixed an issue where the Divine Shield icon would not display immediately after a monster with that ability was resurrected.
Fixed the display of the renter name on the card info:
Important Note for Third Party developers: type validation was added to most Market transactions. Where previously we would often accept a string of “100” as a numeric 100 for say a price, it will now instead reject the transaction as being invalid.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Fixed “rental_type” not showing up on the market\active_rentals API results.
Fixed an issue with updating the price causing issues with rentals, by incorrectly clearing the “rental_type” value from our cached market data.
Added filtering by “rental_type” to the market\for_rent_by_card API.
Fixed an issue with the SPS reward calculation for accounts that had never claimed before.
Fixed some issues with Mana Well display at certain screen resolutions.
Fixed the link on Mana Well for Gladiator packs, so it properly directs you to the Guild store.
Fixed an incorrect link of where to purchase Dice packs on the Hive Engine market.
Season Rentals
Cards may now be listed up for a Season rental duration or a Daily rental duration. Season rentals made with more than 7 days left in a season will be for the remaining days until the end of the season, if there are less than 7 days left in a season then the rental will be for the days until the end of the following season, and Daily rentals will work as they have previously. You can also read about it in this article.
To be clear, you pay up front for the entire duration of a Season rental and have the card for that many days.
Season rentals that are cancelled by the owner, will still be rented until the end of the season, and then come off the market. The renter cannot cancel a season rental early for a refund.
For third party developers, the main difference in market listings is a new rental_type property that is either "season" or "daily".
Ranked Changes
The rating resets at end of season have been redone as per the chart below. You can also read this article for a more detailed explanation of these changes.
Min Rating
Max Rating
Old Reset
New Reset
No Reset
Bronze III
Bronze II
Bronze I
Silver III
Silver II
Silver I
Gold III
Gold II
Gold I
Diamond III
Diamond II
Diamond I
Champion III
Champion II
Champion I
No Cap
The rating difference between Champion Leagues has been reduced to 300 per league, down from 500 previously.
The mana cap per match chances have been smoothed out, giving each value an equal chance of coming up. The limit for Novice and Bronze ranges from 12-40 mana, Silver 12-50 mana, and Gold+ 12-60 mana. There is also a 2% chance of getting unlimited, or 99, mana as the limit in a match.
Novice League wins will always grant +10 rating, meaning it takes 10 wins to exit Novice.
You will no longer reset further back in your rating if you have not played any battles during a season. This is format-specific, so not playing Wild will not prevent your Modern rating from resetting and vice-versa.
Additional messaging has been added when exiting the Novice league directing players on how to purchase or rent cards.
Tech Modernization
The Open packs screen, known as the Mana Well, has been moved over to the Tech Modernization client.
Fixed an issue with Guild Updates and Guild Chat notifications not displaying properly on Tech Modernization pages.
General Updates
The Steem Engine bridge has been retired.
Steam Backed Dollars have been retired for Credit purchases.
The Battle button will remain disabled for 15 minutes after the end of season, to allow time for end of season processing to complete.
Fixed an issue with the Market Status end-point not returning completed transactions.
Added a new API end point for querying completed & archived market items: markets/completed_status. This will pull up information on completed and archived market items, similar to how market/status will return entries that have not yet been archived off after completion. It takes either a single or comma separated list of market ids, i.e. https://api.splinterlands.com/market/completed_status?id=d8f8593d637ebdd0bca7994dd7e1a15d9f12efa7-0
Added a new API end point for querying only active market items: markets/active_status. This will pull up information on not-yet archived market items. It takes either a single or comma separated list of market ids.
Attempting to renew a rental that has been cancelled will now be rejected. If you are attempting to renew a group of rentals, and any of them are cancelled, this will cause the entire request to be rejected.
Free-To-Play non-Hive accounts will no longer have transactions proxied to the Hive blockchain. This should be invisible to end users, as all activity these accounts are allowed to do are off-chain activities.
Some minor text clean-up, where we were incorrectly using Splinters instead of Elements and Thorns instead of Briar Patch.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
The final Chaos Legion Summoner card, Lily Shieldpaw, has been added to the game!
The Going The Distance rule set icon has been modified to be more distinct from the Aim True image.
Fixed an issue with combining cards (immediately following the prior release).
Fixed a minor display issue on Land Deed purchases.
Fixed an issue with rentals not completing properly and returning the card to the market.
Fixed an issue with transferring cards incorrectly stating that they were locked.
Better Filtering, Part One
The Card Market, Card Collection, and Brawl Ban Selection screens have had their filtering updated to use the new Set and Subset filters.
Gameplay Updates
Dispel and Life Leech will no longer trigger on blast damage, just the initial target.
‘Going the Distance’ and ‘Wands Out’ rulesets will no longer appear in Chaos Set only Brawls and Tournaments to avoid potential issues of not having any cards to chose from in certain ruleset combinations.
Scattershot changed to be able to target camouflaged Monsters (you can be as camouflaged as you want, but when they start shooting wildly you have as good a chance of getting hit as anyone else).
Fixed a bug with incorrect card levels being applied when doing team submission validation for Open (“Ghost Card”) Tournaments. This could lead to incorrectly surrendering when using creatures that did not have attacks at level 1 in ‘Going The Distance’, ‘Up Close And Personal’, or ‘Wands Out’ rules sets.
Added a Clear option for the Mana Cost selection during team creation.
The Licenses section of the token dashboard has been moved to the Tech Modernization client.
The Transfer screen for Voucher and License transfers has been moved to the Tech Modernization client.
When purchasing land deeds, if you do not have sufficient funds it will now warn you and not allow you to submit the transaction. DEC Pricing will also now show the cost in DEC.
System Notifications, on Tech Modernization pages, will now persist until clicked or the browser is refreshed.
Guild System messages, on Tech Modernization pages, have had a few display issues corrected.
General Updates
The Non-Card market will now respect purchase authority granted to other accounts.
Fixed a bug with incorrect Title choices being displayed on the dropdown options menu when editing Player Profiles.
Corrected the Get More menu option for Dark Energy Crystals on Items → Other Items to go to the Tech Modernization page.
An End of Chaos Legion sale leaderboard page has been added, which will be available off the Chaos Legion pack page once the last million packs are reached and the last summoner is air dropped.
Usage of the term “Splinters” has been changed to “Elements” in various text locations, to go along with the Lore changes surrounding the use of these nomenclatures.
Corrected some incorrect naming in the Merdhampir & Djinn Muirat lore.
Updated lore for Skok Duskblight.
Continued changes to improve performance, notably larger changes to how cards and market listings and pulled.
Tech Modernization
Fixed an issue where the Purchase button was enabled on non-card Market when your balance was insufficient to pay for the item. The transaction would still fail, but skipping the part where you submit unnecessary transactions with this change.
Fixed the circulating supply of DEC’s value on DEC Management.
General Updates
The ability filter during Team Creation has been changed to improve the user experience. It now acts as two separate filters, one for Summoners and one for Monsters, depending upon if a Summoner is already selected for the team.
Corrected the menu options for Dark Energy Crystal Batteries on Items → Other Items to remove Transfer and Tokenize options, which didn’t have any functionality attached.
Updated the Transfer links for Dark Energy Crystals and Vouchers on Items → Other Items to go to the Tech Modernization pages.
Some small clean-up has been done around non-Hive, free-to-play accounts and what options are available to them in-game.
Continued small changes to work to improve performance.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Brawl Frays have been switched over to using the new Sets, as noted in this article.
Gladiator use with Conscription was fixed on the Mobile app.
Fixed a typo where region 25 was missing, and there were two region’s labeled 26.
Improved the responsiveness of updating balances during Hive Engine transfers on Tech Modernization screens.
Fixed an issue where pending SPS/Voucher claims were not displaying properly on the Chaos Legion shop page.
Fixed an issue with the Vouchers total not loading if any Voucher balance was 0.
Fixed an issue where pulling multiple player balances did not return ECR or sorted results.
A New Epoch
Cards have been organized into sets, allowing us to link specific Promo and Reward cards to certain other editions. This will allow for us to have Chaos Legion as a set, which would include Doctor Blight, all of the reward cards with the Chaos Legion border, as well as the Chaos Legion and Riftwatcher’s sets. For a full breakdown of this change, please read this article.
DEC Batteries
The DEC Battery, or DEC-B, sale will begin on the 8th. Vouchers and Dark Energy Crystals may be spent to get DEC-B, which can be used for purchasing future items. This is an account bound token, and is not tradable. You can read more about DEC-B in this article.
Gameplay Updates
Fixed an issue where the Conscript summoner ability would work in the Silent Summoners rules set.
Fixed an issue where Dispel would remove Scavenge and Last Stand bonuses.
The Rules that appear in Alpha/single edition tournaments & brawls have been adjusted to skip using rules that don’t make sense or would be overly restrictive to the number of cards available.
The land map has had various user interface improvements.
Tech Modernization
The Acknowledge Gift notification has been added on Tech Modernization pages.
The SPS Management → Vouchers tab has been moved to the Tech Modernization client.
The DEC Management page has had a lot of small issues addressed.
The user name in DEC transfers is no longer case sensitive.
DEC Transfer is now the default tab, as this is the most commonly used feature when going to DEC management.
The DEC amount will now restrict entry to 3 decimal places.
DEC and SPS now share the same token Dashboard, to which DEC has been added.
Voucher Updates for SPS Validators
SPS Validators will effectively be a separate “chain” from the rest of the Splinterlands game and assets, similar to how Hive Engine is separate, and tokens need to be bridged between them in order to be able to be used in both places. In the case of SPS validators, this is only an issue for the VOUCHER token, since that token is used in transactions along with both SPS (managed by the SPS validator chain) and with DEC (managed by the Splinterlands game). This means that as of this update, VOUCHER tokens will be updated to be managed by the SPS validators and then will need to be bridged to the game in order to use them with Credits/DEC purchases in the shop. The bridging process should be very simple and have no fees, and the UI will be updated to make this as easy to do and understand as possible.
General Updates
In-Progress tournaments that you are participating in will now always be featured at the top of the tournament list (the color-coded rows), regardless of the filter selected.
Tournaments can now be created to start on 15 minute intervals, instead of 30 minute intervals.
No Attack filtering has been added to the market list of sorting options. It was already present on collection filtering.
Per a third party developer request, the previous season information has been added into the settings data.
Continued small improvements to reduce excessive database calls and improve performance.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
A small UI tweak to address an issue where 3 rule sets did not display well on smaller screens.
Fixed an issue where the Brave browser wallet wasn’t working for liquidity pool claims.
Fixed an issue with Paypal payment processing (immediately after the last update).
Fixed an issue with Liquidity Pool payment population (immediately after the last update).
Rebels Without A Cause
A new set of 43 account bound reward cards have been added to the game! You can read this article for all of the details, but some of the main features:
The rarity chance for reward cards per league are as follows:
Chest Tier
Gold Foil
Additionally, the chances of receiving a specific type of item in each tier of loot chest will be changing a bit with this update, and the new numbers are shown below:
Reward Card
Alchemy and Legendary potions will now be consumed when opening reward chests, which will increase the chance of getting a gold foil card or an epic/legendary rarity card respectively.
A new option to disable using potions for reward chests will be added to the Settings. Using potions will be enabled by default.
A filter has been added to sort to your Soulbound Cards.
Three new abilities have been added, Conscript, Martyr, and Weapons Training.
Conscript is a new Summoner ability that allows one additional Gladiator to be played during a match. In the case a match is not a Brawl, this means that Gladiators will be available if a summoner with this ability is used.
Martyr is a new monster ability that grants adjacent monsters +1 to all stats when the monster with this ability dies.
Weapons Training is a new monster ability that grants adjacent monsters, with no attack abilities, half the attack of the monster with this ability.
Chaos Legion Airdrop #13 - Astral Entity
The Astral Entity card has been added to the game and is now discoverable in packs!
The card airdrop is set to trigger on Feb. 1 at 10 am UTC / 5 am EST
Gameplay Updates
Opportunity will no longer attack through Fog of War!
The rule sets have been updated so that Equal Opportunity, Super Sneak, and Target Practice will no longer appear with Fog of War.
Dispel now removes Bloodlust bonuses.
Bloodlust now gives +1 to speed in all match types, no longer giving -1 to speed in Reverse Speed matches.
Tech Modernization
Dark Energy Crystal management has been moved to the new Tech Modernization interface.
Dark Energy Batteries have been added on this page and will be available for sale from this interface in the future.
The SPS Pools were moved to the new Tech Modernization interface.
The Challenge notification has been added on Tech Modernization pages.
Corrected two Tournament notifications that were showing the event ID instead of the opponent's name.
General Updates
The Team Creation screen has been updated with more Mana cost Filters and a No Attack sort.
The Items → Other Items screen now shows many more items, even if you currently don’t own any.
Updates to improve the interface for the Land Deed market.
Minor changes to listing cards to enforce the maximum & minimum rental/sale prices.
The error handling, if we fail to get results from SimpleSwap for pricing DEC/SPS swaps, has been improved and should no longer carry over incorrect values from other tokens.
Continued small improvements to reduce excessive database calls and improve performance.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
An issue where Notification sounds were not respecting the volume settings was fixed.
The Mobile versions were updated to handle three rule sets.
Fixed an issue where you could update prices to be lower than the minimums allowed on the market when listing items for rent or sale.
Improved the error handling when we receive a request of the rental listings for an invalid combination of card and edition.
Rule of Three
In Gold and higher leagues, you can now have up to 3 Rules sets applied to matches. There is still a chance that 1, 2, or no special rules will be applied as well. The potential pairings of rules has also been reworked, which you can read more about in this article.
A new Rule “Going the Distance” has been added. Under this rule, only monsters with Ranged attack may be played.
A new Rule “Wands Out” has been added. Under this rule, only monsters with Magic attack may be played.
Land Market
Land has been moved out of Items and made a distinct option on the main game menu.
The ability to buy and sell Land Deeds has been added to the game!
Tech Modernization
The Proposals page has been moved over to the Tech Modernization client.
Some of the Tech Modernization page notifications have had their designs cleaned up, to more closely match the old notification styles.
General Updates
The player\balances API has been modified to accept multiple users and return results for them all in a single transaction. The original functionality, https://api.splinterlands.com/players/balances?username=yabapmatt, still exists in its original form. To get multiple users, you can pass a players argument followed by a comma separated list of player names, i.e. https://api.splinterlands.com/players/balances?players=yabapmatt,cryptomancer. If you only want to get results for a specific token for multiple players, you can also append a token_type argument, i.e.https://api.splinterlands.com/players/balances?players=yabapmatt,cryptomancer&token_type=SPS.
The interface to Link External Wallets is now hidden from free-to-play, non-Hive accounts. Since these accounts can no longer hold assets, there is no need for them to link any wallets until having bought the Spellbook.
The error messaging when trying to create a guild as a free-to-play account has been updated.
The error messaging when trying to apply to a Request Only guild as a free-to-play account has been updated.
Continued small improvements to reduce excessive database calls and improve performance.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Arkemis The Bear has made a belated appearance on the WAX blockchain, and can now be transferred to Atomic Hub.
Tech Modernization
The Buy DEC and Buy SPS pages have been moved over to the newer Tech Modernization client.
As part of this update, we have fixed a few issues with the number of decimals available for certain payment methods.
Updated the What Is SPS? page and What Is DEC? link.
General Updates
Improvements were made to the database that should alleviate issues with rental processing delays.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
Improvements were made to how data is loaded when we start up a server, allowing us to spin up new machines on demand quicker.
An improvement to how we handle items being removed from the rental list was made, which should made it more performant.
An issue with removing items from the market doing excessive, and incorrect, logging was fixed.
Gladiator Tournaments
A new Tournament style has been added that allows Gladiator cards to be used in those tournaments. Currently this is a restricted option, similar to Ghost Card tournaments, that only Splinterlands staff can use when creating tournaments.
Game Mechanic Updates
Two new rule sets have been introduced, Aimless and Ferocity. In Aimless, all monsters have the Scattershot ability. In Ferocity, all monsters have the Fury ability.
The Spreading Fury rule set was renamed to What Doesn’t Kill You, to avoid confusion with it granting the Enrage ability to all monsters and not the Fury ability.
General Updates
Corrected an issue that was causing users to still be logged out after 24 hours.
The Tower Defense shop page was updated with newer art examples.
The Staked SPS transaction history was added to the Currency Activity export file.
An issue with mark-up images and links not working in Guild Descriptions was fixed.
Handling for Hive multi key was added to battle submissions and SPS claims.
Cleaner error messaging was added when our e-mail service is unreachable/having an outage.
A large amount of clean-up was done on our internal data queries, which should result in generally improved server side performance. Note that users often experience network delays as slow game responses, which would not be impacted by this.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
An issue where e-mails were not sending properly formatted links was corrected.
You can now set your Runi to be your Avatar in-game! Runi connected to the account will appear at the end of the Avatar list under Profile → Edit Profile.
Runi trait rarity percent has been added to Trait Details on the Manage Runi page.
The Runi Shop page has been removed, as well as Runi Component Kits. There is still a link to the Open Sea store for Runi on the main Manage Runi page.
12th Chaos Legion Airdrop Card Released!
Immortalis, the Earth Legendary Chaos Legion summoner, has been added to the game! See this article for more details on this new summoner.
Game Mechanic Updates
There was a mechanic in place that when trying to submit a team for battle, if the connection to the server errored out, it would fall back to trying to submit the team on the Hive blockchain. We have removed this functionality, as it would make the team submitted publicly viewable, and instead added a retry mechanism. The game client will now make several attempts at contacting the server when submitting the team, and if it still fails then an error message will be displayed and you will be returned back to the main Battle screen.
Tron Bridge Retired
The DEC bridge to the TRON network has been officially retired. The DEC balance on TRON will no longer display on the DEC Balances and Tron Wallet is no longer an option for transferring DEC.
We have removed the option to link a Tron wallet on the External Wallets page.
The Tron SPS Airdrop section has been removed, though any unclaimed balances are still in our system. These air drops have been over for some time now, and this section for specific air drops is likely to be retired from the UI soon. General Updates
The time before automatically being logged out has been extended to one week. Note: This new timer will only kick in after your current login has expired, so you will still see 1 more logout after 24 hours.
A specific issue that caused some users to experience long delays when logging in has been corrected. There may be other causes that can lead to this, but hopefully it be addressed for most users running into this issue.
The Music on the Shop page will no longer restart when changing between the various main shop pages.
The TRX and STEEM tokens are no longer being accepted for Credit purchases.
Corrected some outdated images & social media links on our e-mail template (for Forgot Password, Welcome e-mail, etc.).
A notice has been added to the Non-Card Market to make it clear that there is a 5% market fee, to the seller, of any items sold on that market.
Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release
An issue with Hive/HBD not being properly picked up as Tournament Prizes or Payments has been corrected.
Fixed an issue with e-mails failing to be sent out properly from the game for things like Forgot Password, E-mail Verification, etc.
Fixed an issue where Deeds were not properly receiving SPS air drops.
Fixed an issue where the Gifts acknowledgement information was not displaying properly.